Thursday, May 21, 2009

Peony Show Act II

I may
be fairly
with the
of the
of flower.

The Peony, of course, is no exception- and may well be the rule as to how the obsession began. I find it a mystery, still, how mixing one parent flower with another gives us surprisingly different results each time, even though I fully understand the biology behind what is taking place. I spent my fair share of time predicting outcomes of cross pollinating plants in university, but even though I know how it all works, I find the odd unusual outcomes to be one of the great mysteries of life. This blooming Peony is a single cup shaped flower with bright yellow stamens against a deep fuchsia pink petal. The contrast is remarkable.

When they first open, they always appear to be a bit lopsided- almost as if there is too much space to choose from- the petals do not seem to know where to fall. Nearly every time you put your head into one of these beauties you are greeted by a bee.
Here the flower is in full bloom. What a difference a day can make.

This pretty little lady's Mantle is growing at the feet of the Peonies. In the morning, it casts a silvery hue from the dew drops it collects on its bowl shaped leaves. The little yellow blooms go wonderfully with the Peonies yellow stamens. A match made in heaven.

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